Bullock Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church was officially recognized during the Annual Conference, held in Prescott, Arkansas on November 20, 1901. Rev. O.L. Mitchell was assigned as the first pastor. Rev. Mitchell served six months and was succeeded by Rev. J.M. Reed. Several outstanding ministers succeeded Rev. Reed, each continuing the progressive movement of the church.
The church was destroyed by fire in 1915 and J.A. Booker, president of Baptist College, allowed the members to worship at the college. In 1962, Rev. Nehemiah Mitchum became pastor at Bullock Temple. He remained for twelve years. In 1971, the Bullock family moved from its 17th and Cross location to 1513 South Park Street. Rev. Mitchum was the first African American elected president of the Greater Little Rock Ministerial Alliance. He was the recipient of many other community awards and citations.
In 1982, Bullock welcomed Rev. Albert Davidson, a native son, as its new minister. Under Rev. Davidson’s leadership, an annex was added to the church. A library, dedicated in honor of Mrs. E.B. Tollette, was established. Rev. Davidson was the longest serving pastor in Bullock’s history.
In 2003, Bullock Temple welcomed Rev. Logan Hampton, Jr. Under his leadership, the church developed its vision: We are a Christian Family committed to Worshipping God, Studying the work of God, Working for God, and Witnessing for God. Out of this ministry grew many lay ministries to grow the church. As the church grew in membership, several new ministers were added to the church. In July 2013, Rev. Dr. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver was appointed as Associate Pastor and became an ordained Elder of the CME Church.
In July 2014, Rev. Dr. Thurston Callier III was appointed Senior Pastor and Rev. Dr. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver was reappointed Associate Pastor. In 2016, Dr. LaVerne Bell-Tolliver was assigned to Bullock Temple CME Church as the Senior Pastor. Rev. Ryan Davis was assigned as Associate Minister. In 2018, Bullock Temple welcomed Rev. Dion Broughton as it's new Pastor. Because of Rev. Broughton's dynamic leadership, the church continues to be a place of worship and growth.
From 1901 to now, the Bullock Temple family continues to do the work for which it was called. As we stand on the shoulders of our founders and past members, we strive to keep the great commission. We seek to build God’s kingdom through the making of disciples of all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:16-20).
Our Leadership

Reverend Odessa Darrough
Pastor of Bullock Temple CME Church
Rev. Dr. Odessa G. Darrough serves as Pastor of Bullock Temple CME Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Darrough previously served as pastor in the following Arkansas Region CME churches: New Light CME Church in Nashville, Trinity CME Church in Magnolia, Allen Temple CME Church in Crossett and Penny Chapel CME Church in Parkdale. Dr. Darrough’s career with AT&T represents 33 years of caring and sharing through her managerial and human resources skills. After retiring in 2003, she continues her love for people by passionately volunteering her time and talents.
Dr. Darrough is an advocate for healthier lifestyles and promoting civil and human rights. She currently serves in the following positions: Vice-Chair Age-Friendly Little Rock Commission; member, Board of Directors and Chairperson, Supervisory Committee for Telcoe Federal Credit Union, and National Ambassador for AARP Create The Good Program. Other positions include former Chair of the Board of Directors of Arkansas Hospice and current member of the Society of Human Resource Management, P.E.O. International and Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society. She is founder of the Annual Minority Health Fair held in Crossett, Little Rock and Nashville; and the Annual Little Rock Community Connection Civil Rights Summit and Community Festival. Dr. Darrough serves as President and CEO of Innovative Lifestyles for Senior Living, Inc.
Dr. Darrough holds a BA in Organizational Management from Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas, MA in Business and Human Resources Development from Webster University in Little Rock, Arkansas and a Doctorate in Business Administration with emphasis in Human Resources Management from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Dr. Darrough is a native of Arkansas and has two grown sons and five grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and gardening.

Reverend Ronald Williams
Arkansas East District Presiding Elder
Theology has followed Rev. Williams for most of his life. Honestly the thought of being a spiritual leader for others was something that he never thought of as a life long endeavor. But Rev. Ronald R. Williams accepted this challenge beginning October 10, 1982. To prepare himself for this calling he enrolled in the Interdenominational Theological Seminary and received his Theology degree in 2006. This journey to theological fluency has been tough but he can’t imagine a life without it.
His first preaching assignment began in 1983 at Zion Chapel CME Church in Earle, Arkansas, and St. Paul CME Church in Luxora, Arkansas. Starting out, a small membership allowed him the chance to direct relationships with his members and he felt it prepared him for the current role as Presiding Elder of the Arkansas East District.
His philosophy of ministry has and will continue to define and shape the kind of Pastor and Presiding Elder he is and will become. There are times when one must review their philosophy and make changes when you sense God is leading you to redirect and adjust it. It is according to His divine purpose that Rev. Williams seeks to conform his life and ministry, as he has on numerous occasions seen God move, he knows that in time God may redirect his philosophy and his ministry for His Glory and Honor.
Preaching is Rev. Williams’ love, and it is an opportunity for him to expound the word of God to listening ears at every weekly service. It is a part of his pastoral ministry that he takes seriously, and he commits a good part of his working week to Bible Study and to being properly prepared to teach and counsel others in the word of God. Rev. Williams devotes himself to continuous growth in the ministry by accepting opportunities and not running from challenges. It is understood that his pastoral calling is the joy of his life, but it does not supersede his calling as a husband his wife and father to his children. The hierarchy of his priorities place a personal relationship to God as primary.
Rev. Williams was born to John L. and Alice Mae Williams in Forrest City, Arkansas on January 25,1952. His high school education was attained at Lincoln High School and he graduated in 1969. He matriculated at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Agronomy in 1973, also he received his certification to teach and coach. While attending the University Rev. Williams was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army.
Rev. Williams have had varied work experiences: Soil Conservation, CBI Nuclear Reactor Company, Public Schools: Wynne, Marianna, Helena-West Helena, and Earle.
Ministry: Zion Chapel, Earle; St. Paul, Luxora; Carter Temple, Blytheville; Lane Chapel, Forrest City, Mt. Olive Cathedral, Memphis, Tennessee; Lane Chapel, Forrest City where I am presently pastoring. Was appointed as Presiding Elder of the Arkansas East Region in 2014 and continue to serve in this capacity now.
Civic and Community: Forrest City School Board and the Forrest City-City Councilman (currently serving)
Family: 1983 – Married Rosie Norman Williams;
Children: LaRonna L. Williams and Aviva L. Williams; Grandchildren: Ameria, Kali, Jordan and Camri

Bishop Marvin Frank Thomas Sr.
First Episcopal District Presiding Prelate
Bishop Marvin Frank Thomas, Sr. was elected the 62nd bishop of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church on July 1, 2014 at the 37th Quadrennial Session & 38th General Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Prior to his election as bishop, he served as the seventh president/dean of The Phillips School of Theology (“The Seminary of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church”) at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia and the pastor of the Good News Community CME Church in Lithonia, GA. While at ITC, Bishop Thomas also served as the Chair of the Council of Deans and an adjunct instructor.
He holds the Bachelor of Arts degree in history with a minor in Sociology from Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He also earned the Master of Divinity degree from The Phillips School of Theology at The ITC and the Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.
He has served as the pastor of Walls Memorial CME Church in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to his tenure as pastor of Walls Memorial, he served as pastor of other congregations in the CME Church and presiding elder in the states of Alabama and Tennessee. He has also served as the Vice President for Student Affairs and a member of the Religion faculty at Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee. He has also served as a member of the Religion faculty and Student Services staff at Stillman College.
Presently, Bishop Thomas serves as the presiding bishop of the Second Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, which includes the Kentucky and Ohio Central Indiana Regions. He also serves as the chair of the denomination’s Department of Lay Ministry and the acting pastor of the Metropolitan Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bishop Thomas is a native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He is the second of six children born to Mrs. Minnie Thomas Brown. Bishop Thomas has two children, Kourtney Lea Thomas and Marvin Frank Thomas, Jr., and one grandson, Kameron.

Email: info.btclr@gmail.com
Tel: 501-375-1581
Fax: 501-375-0009
1513 S Park St
Little Rock, AR 72202